Abstracts for the 2009 Academic Showcase will be accepted Dec. 8-Jan. 30 ONLINE @ www.showcase.wsu.edu, as WSU looks toward its annual celebration of excellence — Showcase 2009 on Friday, March 27. The 2008 Academic Showcase featured more than 390 displays highlighting the original research of WSU faculty, staff and students. Besides honoring the […]
Frances McSweeney, the vice provost for faculty affairs, will present a workshop on all aspects of faculty preformance evaluations. The workshop, which will be held on Tuesday, April 3 from 1:30-3 p.m., will focus specifically on tenure and promotion. The workshop will be held in Murrow 55 on the Pullman campus and will be available via WHETS […]
Three public forums are planned in October to present information and take questions on WSU academic realignment proposals. The forums will be conducted by Fran McSweeney, vice provost for Faculty Affairs, and Chuck Pezeshki, vice chair of the Faculty Senate. They co-chair the Committee on Academic Structure.The realignment proposals are part of an overall effort, […]
Frances K. McSweeney, professor of psychology and vice provost for faculty affairs at Washington State University, has been named the winner of the 2004 Eminent Faculty Award. The $15,000 award was created in 2000 at the request of WSU President V. Lane Rawlins to honor career-long excellence within WSU’s academic community. McSweeney is the fourth […]
In its ongoing efforts to improve efficiency, the provost’s office is also taking advantage of world-class talent to better handle faculty issues. Frances K. McSweeney, a professor of psychology at Washington State University, was named vice provost for faculty affairs, effective Jan. 1. McSweeney will lead the evaluation of current faculty policies and practices to […]
She’s a native Easterner, born in Rochester, New York, and college-educated in Massachusetts — B.A. in psychology from Smith College, 1969 (summa cum laude) and M.A. and Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Harvard, 1972 and 1974, respectively. Coming to WSU in 1974 as an assistant professor, it was the first time Frances McSweeney had ever […]