PULLMAN, Wash. – A first-of-its-kind-worldwide research capability will help unravel the mysteries of material behavior at extreme conditions and short time scales in support of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s vital national security missions.
PULLMAN, Wash. – The free, public Legacy of Excellence Reception – including a lecture by 2015 Washington State University Emeritus Society Legacy of Excellence Award winner George W. Hinman – will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 25, in Todd Hall 125. Hinman will talk about nuclear energy issues in Washington state.
Energy is the lifeblood of modern economies and there’s no more amazingly useful form of energy than electricity. That’s why I initially was startled to read the recent news that the last of Japan’s 54 nuclear power plants has been shut down, a turn of events that makes Japan the first major economy of this century […]