
March 30: Criminal justice, prisons focus of philosophy talks

By Adriana Aumen, College of Arts & Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Criminal justice, mass incarceration and factors that undermine democracy will be examined during the Frank Fraser Potter Memorial Lecture in Philosophy and a related talk at Washington State University on Thursday, March 30.

WSU professor leads international study of women’s rights

By Adrian Aumen, College of Arts & Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – A professor at Washington State University is leading a first-of-its-kind study of efforts to close the gender gap in the U.S. and abroad. Results will be made available to government leaders, policymakers and advocates to improve policy development and outcomes.

March 22: Guilt, Nazis, Marxism and democracy discussed

PULLMAN, Wash. – Guilt as an emotion that democratic regimes must adequately deal with in order to create inclusive and functioning social and political communities will be presented by Claudia Leeb, assistant professor of political theory and a 2015-16 humanities fellow, at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Honors Hall Lounge. Refreshments will follow. 

Salmon recovery and democracy discussed

The success of local decision-making in salmon recovery in Washington will be the topic of a campuswide lecture by William D. Ruckelshaus, the first and fifth administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and current chairman of the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board. “There is a massive experiment in democracy going on in our state, […]

Arab democracy expert Maksoud to speak Sept. 28

Washington State University’s International Students’ Council will welcome lawyer, journalist and diplomat Clovis Maksoud (mahk-SOOD) to campus, Wednesday, Sept. 28, to discuss Arab democracy as part of International Education Week.Maksoud, a faculty member at American University in Washington, D.C., will discuss “Prospects and Problems, Democracy in the Arab Countries” from 7-8 p.m. in Bryan Hall […]