PULLMAN, Wash. – Guilt as an emotion that democratic regimes must adequately deal with in order to create inclusive and functioning social and political communities will be presented by Claudia Leeb, assistant professor of political theory and a 2015-16 humanities fellow, at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Honors Hall Lounge. Refreshments will follow.
Leeb will apply the political and social theory of Western Marxist thinkers such as Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno to the example of Austria’s Nazi crimes. Arendt was a German-born, Jewish American political theorist and Adorno a German philosopher; both escaped the Holocaust. Read more about the talk at https://hub.wsu.edu/hpg/claudia-leeb/.
A Fulbright fellow, Leeb’s teaching and research interests include contemporary political theory and philosophy, feminist political thought and psychoanalysis. Among her books in progress is one showing that gender, class and racial injustices in the Austrian sciences contribute to the migration of female scientists to the U.S.
Leeb holds Ph.Ds. in political philosophy from the New School for Social Research in New York City and in psychology and philosophy of science from the University of Vienna in Austria.
Humanities fellows, Humanities Week
Convened in 2011, the Washington State University Humanities Planning Group honors three faculty as fellows each year, sponsoring their research initiatives with $12,500 grants. The group is working to establish a WSU Center for the Humanities “to underscore their integral nature to intellectual life and society in general.”
The third annual Humanities Week, April 11-15, will include environmentalist and author William McKibben as keynote speaker, roundtable discussions and other events. Learn more at https://hub.wsu.edu/hpg/.