Fish nutrition in the genes

Biochemistry professor Robert P. Wilson, from Mississippi State University, will deliver the Second Annual Halver Lecture at 2:10 p.m. Thursday, April 14, in Johnson C105.

An internationally recognized expert on fish nutrition, Wilson will discuss the development of nutritional fish genomics.

Wilson is best known as the director of one of the two labs in the country that have defined the nutrient requirements of the catfish. He has won numerous awards for his service to the aquaculture industry. He has authored more than 240 publications.

The Halver Lecture is a gift from Dr. and Mrs. John E. Halver, 2003 recipients of the WSU Alumni Achievement Award. Halver, a professor emeritus from the University of Washington, is a leading authority on fish nutrition and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Wilson also will be available to discuss fish nutrition at 9-10:30 a.m. in Animal Sciences Lab Building 203 and at a reception from 3-4:30 p.m. in Food Sciences and Human Nutrition 302. For more information, contact Michelle McGuire at 335-3896.