Cascades hostel draws success from advice, varied clientele

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC WINTHROP, Wash. – Imagine heading up to the Methow Valley to ski, hike, bike, fish or read in the shade of a Cottonwood tree for as little as $25 per night.  Welcome to North Cascades Mountain Hostel owned by the husband and wife team of Paul Smotherman and Audrey […]

Beer-themed bakery grows with upcycled grains

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC RENTON, Wash. – When Marley Shain Rall wanted to open a retail store to sell beer-themed baked goods, she decided to run her idea past an expert advisor at the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) who was encouraging – and skeptical.

Yoga business grows, flexes to deliver corporate classes

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC FEDERAL WAY, Wash. – When successful small business Three Trees Yoga determined to offer classes in the workplace, it needed to learn how to attract companies, rather than individuals, as clients. An ongoing relationship with the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provided support the expanding yoga business could […]

Fruit, nut exporter connects U.S. farms, China markets

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC TACOMA, Wash. – Farm Breeze International, a specialty crop export company headquartered in Tacoma, did $7.5 million in revenue in its first year selling tree nuts and fruit concentrate to China. In its second year, 2016, it shipped 15 million pounds of tree nuts and revenue more than tripled.

Business advisor connection sparks electrical service success

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC YAKIMA, Wash. – When Rod Cassel met Yakima business advisor Linda Johnson, he was looking for a lifeline. After several decades as general manager at a large, well-established electrical service company, the family-owned business reorganized and he was out of a job.

Business advising promotes teacher to Montessori ownership

By Hope Belli Tinney, Washington SBDC MONROE, Wash. – Sometimes Thea Heineman cannot quite believe that she and her husband Aaron are owners of the Monroe Montessori School. Founded in 1978 by Allan and Gayle Washburn, the school serves approximately 130 families in Snohomish County and has a student population of 150 with classes for […]