
Design class reaches out to community

Robert Barnstone with one of the nine doghouses being built and donated for Latah County Humane Society PULLMAN – Design Studio 303, a class taught by professor Robert Barnstone, is designing and constructing three projects that will help the WSU community. The first is for a large canopy type structure located near the Pullman softball […]

CAHNRS funds 30+ undergrad research projects

PULLMAN – An unprecedented number of undergraduate students in the WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences will have an opportunity to conduct hands-on science thanks to a series of grants from the college specifically aimed at supporting undergraduate research. “Experiential learning and applying basic science and research to real-world issues and challenges […]

Golf course teed up for expansion bid

No dirt has been moved, no sod has been laid, but work on WSU’s new 18-hole golf course expansion project is under way. Now in the final stages of design, the $8.5 million project is slated to go to bid later this month, with a potential groundbreaking set for late spring when the weather is […]

Student helps assure diamonds stay forever

A WSU graduate student hopes his undergraduate research project results in a few less broken hearts this Valentine’s Day.In the research project, sponsored by Pounders Jewelers and Hi-Rel Laboratories in Spokane, Colin Merriman worked with David Bahr and Grant Norton, professors in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, to better understand the problem of […]

Student service a growing part of academic life

Jeannie Curtis wasn’t sure Human Development 205 was her cup of tea, especially when she discovered she’d be working with 21 undergraduates to raise awareness of HIV prevention. “Normally I supervise 18, 19 and 20 year olds,” said Curtis, 39, a program supervisor in New Student Programs. “This time they were going to be my […]

Cyber mentoring reassures students earlier in career path

What if you devoted three years of time and money to your education major, only to realize during your senior-year student-teaching experience that you hated to teach? It’s been known to happen. Thanks to the WSU Cyber Mentoring Project, it could happen much less often. Spearheaded by Gerald Maring, a professor with the College of […]

Urban campus studies move ahead

Washington Gov. Gary Locke on April 1 signed into law the supplemental capital and operating budget acts. These acts represent changes to the 2003-2005 biennial budget passed by the legislature last spring. The Washington supplemental budget is notable since it adds funding to higher education at a time when many states are imposing additional budget […]

Provost praises projects for making progress

You know what they say: “If you aim at nothing, that’s just what you’ll hit.” To be sure it doesn’t miss the mark of fulfilling its strategic goals, Washington State University continually identifies the target: It defines, assesses, reports, refines and rewards projects that meet the four goals. Through hearing of these “success stories,” members […]

Proposed wastewater project could save area 1.3M gallons

By Larry Ganders Government Relations More than 1.3 million gallons of water per day could be reclaimed and treated to protect a declining Palouse water table if a capital construction project proposed by Washington State University and the City of Pullman receives legislative approval in the 2003 legislative session. The proposal, funded for predesign by […]

Boeing provides wings to WSU wireless education project

The ability to conduct business at 39,000 feet anywhere in the world is just taking off, thanks to broadband airborne communications at The Boeing Company. Their new business unit, “Connexion by Boeing,” is devoted to providing broadband access aboard commercial and executive aircraft. On May 29, at Boeing Field, the latest partnership between Boeing and […]