PULLMAN, Wash. – Nobel Prize winner Bruce Beutler will talk about his journey as a scientist and his research on the immune system at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, in the CUB ballroom.
By Peggy Perkins, Honors College PULLMAN, Wash. – Vaccine development to combat infections transmitted by ticks, mosquitoes and other insects will be discussed by award-winning researcher Wendy Brown, Washington State University regents professor of immunology, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, in Honors Hall 110.
Brassfield, left, and Mixter. (Photo Henry Moore Jr., WSU Biomedical Communications Unit) PULLMAN, Wash. – For 16 years, Alberta (Bert) Brassfield, a WSU instructor, taught the immunology and virology lab to seniors, a course now known as Molecular Biosciences 430. The class was a favorite of many students because of its small size and […]