PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University researchers have developed a new software tool that will improve scientists’ ability to identify and understand bacterial strains and accelerate vaccine development.
By E. Kirsten Peters, College of Agricultural, Human & Natural Resource Sciences PULLMAN, Wash. – Do you have a good gut feeling about apples? Your body may – and that could be important to your overall health.
PROSSER – A new disease is infecting and killing walnut trees in Washington. Symptoms of the disease include a yellowing of leaves, usually at the top of the tree, as well as subsequent die-back of the tree’s larger branches,said Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel, WSU Extension Educator in Benton and Franklin counties. The disease, called Thousand Canker, […]
PULLMAN — Scientists at Washington State University in Pullman have discovered a molecule that plays a role in the battle plants must win against bacteria and fungi that would eat them for lunch.The group led by Professor Clarence A. “Bud” Ryan isolated a small protein called Pep1 that appears to act like a hormone, signaling […]
Physicians and clinicians face an ongoing challenge: to keep up with increasingly stubborn, resistant bacteria that cause significant infections. The more exposure bacteria have to our available antibiotics, the higher their chances of evolution into a resistant form, with serious effects on medical care.The heavy use of antibiotics, from hand soap ingredients to prescriptions, for […]