academic integrity

Search extended for faculty athletics representative

PULLMAN, Wash. – The recruitment period for a new faculty athletics representative (FAR) has been extended by two weeks to Friday, Feb. 3, after the initial application period was compressed due to the closure of the university Wednesday and competing priorities at the beginning of the semester.

Guide helps faculty carry out anti-cheating policies

PULLMAN – A step-by-step guide for faculty on implementing WSU’s academic integrity policy in the classroom is available ONLINE @ by clicking on “Resources” and then “Information for Faculty.”   “Follow this to the letter and it will help you immensely,” said Chris Wuthrich, associate director of the Office of Student Conduct, who handed […]

Student conduct code in revision

In kindergarten the expectations for civility are pretty simple: play nice, raise your hand, wait your turn. But by college, guidelines for civil behavior are more elaborate, covering everything from academic integrity to hazing and harassment. The Office of Student Conduct is inviting student, faculty and staff comments on a revised student code of conduct […]