Nov. 16-17: WSU Regents to hold regular meeting on WSU Vancouver campus

PULLMAN, Wash. – The Washington State University Board of Regents will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting Nov. 16-17, at Washington State University Vancouver.

All meetings will take place at the Firstenburg Student Commons building in the room locations outlined in the schedule below, except as otherwise noted.

Committee meetings will run throughout the day. Starting times following the 1:15 p.m. committee meetings are estimates only. If a session ends earlier than expected, the next scheduled session may convene immediately.

Committee meetings may be attended by all members of the Board of Regents, and all members may participate.

Thursday, Nov. 16

11:30 a.m. Executive and Governance Committee, FSC 101-103
12:00 p.m. Board of Regents Lunch, FSC 104

1:15 p.m. Concurrent Meetings
Research and Academic Affairs Committee, FSC 101-103
Student Affairs and Student Life Committee, ECS 309
Institutional Infrastructure Committee, ECS 209

2:30 p.m.* Finance and Compliance Committee, FSC 101-103
3:30 p.m.* Strategic and Operational Excellence Committee, FSC 101-103
4:30 p.m.* Executive Session – If needed, FSC 101-103
6:30 p.m. Board of Regents Dinner, Hilton Vancouver, Vancouver, Wash.

Friday, Nov. 17

7:15 a.m. Board of Regents Breakfast, FSC 104
8:00 a.m. Board of Regents Meeting, FSC 101-103

In addition, at approximately 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16, the Regents will attend a reception with students and campus leadership in the Firstenburg Students Commons building on the Vancouver campus.

Questions about the Board of Regents meeting and schedule may be directed to Desiree Jacobsen, 509-335-6662.

*or upon conclusion of previous session

Media contact:
Phil Weiler, vice president of marketing and communication, 509-335-4742,