PULLMAN, Wash. – Close to 3,000 family members and friends Saturday packed into Washington State University’s Beasley Coliseum, where nearly 850 graduating students received diplomas during the university’s annual fall commencement ceremony.
Overseeing the ceremony for the first time was new President Kirk Schulz.
In all, 849 degrees were awarded to graduating students, including 60 doctoral degrees, 48 master’s degrees and 741 undergraduate degrees from across WSU’s six locations.
Fall Commencement 2016. Tag your friends and family! Picture credit: Shelly Hanks, #WSU Photo Services.🎓 🐾 #WSUGrad #GoCougs
Posted by Washington State University on Saturday, December 10, 2016
About 180 of the graduates participated from the statewide locations of WSU and online Global Campus. Fall graduates from all locations may participate in the Pullman ceremony or wait until spring ceremonies at their respective locations.
The two-hour commencement ceremony was videostreamed live at http://www.experience.wsu.edu, where it also will be archived for future viewing.