Sept. 20: Supercomputing and future of biomedical research

Dimitri-Kusnezov-webSEATTLE – Supercomputing’s roles in biomedical research and policy making will be discussed by U.S. Department of Energy chief scientist Dimitri Kusnezov at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, at the Allen Institute in Seattle.

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Supercomputing and health sciences

The DOE national labs are home to some of the fastest, most powerful supercomputers in the world. The machines work on challenges such as climate change and clean energy but have also played a significant role in health sciences – specifically in the human genome project.

Finding patterns in large sets of data can help health scientists better understand the complexity of illness and the brain. Supercomputers can also help identify effective treatments for diseases such as cancer.

As part of the National Strategic Computing Initiative, there has been an increased effort to integrate supercomputers into health sciences research. Kusnezov’s lecture will provide insight into the collaboration among federal agencies to advance major health and policy initiatives. These include the Cancer Moonshot, Precision Medicine Initiative and Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative.

About the Innovators Lecture Series

Kusnezov is the Washington State University Innovators Lecture Series’ first visiting lecturer. The series unites Washington’s top minds in industry, government and academia to discuss critical challenges of the 21st century.

Lectures fuel informed discussion about health, the environment, social opportunity, education and national security. Learn more about previous lectures at

The lecture is hosted in partnership with the Allen Institute and supported by the Washington Research Foundation. Learn more about the Allen Institute at Learn more about the Washington Research Foundation at



Alyssa Patrick, WSU Office of Research, 206-219-2427,