May 5-6: WSU Regents to hold regular meeting in Pullman

PULLMAN, Wash. – The Board of Regents of Washington State University will hold a regularly scheduled meeting May 5 and 6 on the Pullman campus, Compton Union Building, Room 204.

The WSU Regents will consider several action items, including the approval of WSU’s operating and capital budget requests for the state’s 2017-2019 Biennial Budget, the approval of tuition rates and student fees for the 2016-2017 academic year, and the approval of new or extended undergraduate and graduate degree offerings at various WSU campuses.

The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. May 5 with a special meeting of the Students Book Corporation, followed by consecutive meetings of the Regents’ Executive, Finance & Audit, Academic and Student Affairs, and External Affairs committees. Each committee session will convene immediately following the completion of the previous session. All four sessions are scheduled to conclude prior to 4:15 p.m.

The Regents will re-convene at the same location at 8 a.m. on May 6 to initially hear reports, including reports from the WSU Foundation, the WSU Faculty Senate, Associated Students of WSU, Graduate and Professional Student Association, WSU Administrative Professional Advisory Council, and WSU Alumni Association.

The regents are expected to take action on a variety of items during the meeting. Among those items are:

  • A proposal to re-name the building currently known as the WSU Tri-Cities West Building as the Elson S. Floyd Academic Building in honor of the university’s late president.
  • A proposal that Regent Lura J. Powell be elected to serve as Chair of the WSU Board of Regents for the year beginning May 16, 2016; and that Regent Theodor Baseler be elected to serve as Vice Chair of the WSU Board of Regents for the year beginning May 16, 2016, with the understanding that he shall act as Chair pro tempore in the absence of the Chair.
  • A proposal to approve a 2017-2019 Biennial Budget Capital Request totaling $192.74 million and delegating authority to the WSU president to approve changes or adjustments deemed necessary before the submission is finalized for presentation to the Office of Financial Management.
  • A proposal to approve the 2017-2019 Biennial Budget Operating Request and delegating authority to the WSU president to approve changes or adjustments that may need to be made before the final submission is sent to the Office of Financial Management. The request consists of these items:
    • Medical Education, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine approx. $10.8M
    • Salaries for faculty, staff and graduate students approx. $43.5M (4% each of the two years)
    • Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace, Vancouver and Everett – approx. $ 5.0M
    • Bellevue Pilot Study approx. $ 4.0M
    • Maintenance and Operations for New Buildings approx. $ 2.5M
    • Research for Spokane – One Health Initiative approx. $ 1.2M
  • A proposal approving the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine Statement of Support and approving the commitment of university funds included in the pro forma budget submitted to the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) to be used by the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine to hire dean’s administrative staff, faculty, and operating staff, as well as pay for one-time and ongoing expenses with the expressed intent to successfully accredit and start the medical school.
  • A proposal approving tuition rates for the 2016-2017 academic year, including a legislatively authorized ten percent additional decrease in resident and Global Campus undergraduate rates, as compared with the 2015-2016 academic year. The proposal also establishes a new tuition rate for the Master of Health Policy and Administration (HPA) degree which is approximately 20 percent higher than the current graduate tuition rate. All other tuition rates remain unchanged.
  • A number of proposals eliminating, creating and extending bachelor, masters or doctoral degree programs.

This is an incomplete listing of agenda items for the meeting. The official notice and full agenda for the meeting are available online at

In addition, on Thursday, May, 5t,  the Regents will attend the PACCAR Building Dedication and Reception at the PACCAR Building scheduled from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Friday, May 6 and Saturday May 7, the Regents will participate in ceremonies and activities associated with Commencement for the Spokane and Pullman campuses. Questions about the Board of Regents meeting and schedule may be directed to Desiree Jacobsen, 509-335-6662.

Questions about the Board of Regents meeting and schedule may be directed to Desiree Jacobsen, (509) 335-6662.

Media contact:

Robert Strenge, WSU News, 509-335-3583,