Comments sought on parking zone changes, rate increase

PULLMAN, Wash. – The Washington State University Parking and Transportation Task Force is inviting public comment on proposed zone changes and a proposed parking rate increase in fiscal year 2017 of 1.2 percent on annual and daily parking permits that, if implemented, will take effect at the start of the fall 2016 semester. The proposed increase is equivalent to the increase in the 2015 Consumer Price Index.

In 2004 the Board of Regents approved annual increases in parking rates that would not exceed the U.S. Department of Labor CPI Index. The proposed rate increases will be used to off-set inflationary increases in parking and transportation program expenses.

The university community can review the proposed changes and submit comments here.  The review and comment period will be open through March 25.  The task force will review and consider comments regarding these proposed changes.



John Shaheen, Transportation Services, 509-335-7275,