Feb. 10, 18: Classics, new works performed in free concerts

PULLMAN, Wash. – The children’s classic, “Peter and the Wolf,” will be performed and livestreamed free to the public as Washington State University presents two concerts featuring symphonic groups in February.

Jeff Savage

The Symphonic Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble will perform a powerful new work for winds, David Maslanka’s “Requiem,” at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, in Bryan Hall. It will be followed by the musical tour de force, Franz Liszt’s “Totentanz,” featuring WSU faculty member Jeff Savage as piano soloist.


A preview of the WSU Mom’s Weekend Opera Workshop performance of music from Franz Lehar’s “The Merry Widow” will open the free, public Symphony Orchestra concert at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in Bryan Hall.

Dan Bernardo

Sergei Prokofiev’s adventure, “Peter and the Wolf,” narrated by Dan Bernardo, WSU interim president, will follow on the program. Its various characters are represented by instruments of the orchestra, and it will be livestreamed for parents wanting to introduce their children to this classic educational piece. A link to the livestream will be available on the WSU Global Connections page, http://connections.wsu.edu/.

Gerald Berthiaume

After a brief intermission, the evening will close with George Gershwin’s American classic, “Rhapsody in Blue,” featuring WSU faculty member Gerald Berthiaume on piano.


Danh Pham, WSU Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Wind Ensemble, 509-335-3972, danh.pham@wsu.edu
Sandra Albers, WSU School of Music, 509-335-4148, sandra_albers@wsu.edu