SPOKANE, Wash. – Shortly after Washington’s governor signed a law in May requiring Native American history, culture and government to be taught in state schools, a curriculum designed in part by a Washington State University educator debuted to help K-12 teachers meet the need.
“Honoring Tribal Legacies: An Epic Journey of Healing” helps educators include the stories, perspectives and expertise of Indian people when teaching American history.
WSU’s Ella Inglebret is one of three editors of the two-volume online handbook. She co-wrote eight chapters and created a teaching unit for the website, http://www.HonoringTribalLegacies.com. All the material is downloadable and free to use and distribute.
“We hope to encourage respect for indigenous cultures and their unique expressions, including languages and material culture,” she said, adding that the project aligns with WSU’s land grant mission to be of service to citizens of the state.
Inglebret contributed as part of a partnership between the University of Oregon and the National Park Service that has been ongoing for nearly five years.
The new state law, SB 5433, was signed on May 8; learn more at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=5433.
The “Honoring Tribal Legacies” curriculum was launched May 21 in Omaha, Neb., by the park service and the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.
Inglebret is an associate professor in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences at WSU’s Health Sciences campus in Spokane. See http://spokane.wsu.edu/admissions/speech-hearing-sciences/faculty-staff/inglebret-ella.html.
Ella Inglebret, WSU Spokane, cell 208-301-1853, einglebret@wsu.edu