May 5 deadline for Imagine Tomorrow judges

By Richard H. Miller, Conference Management

Imagine-Tomorrow-logo-80PULLMAN, Wash. – The 2014 Imagine Tomorrow competition is seeking judges to evaluate the work of 9th- through 12th-graders exploring alternative energy sources. The deadline for judges to register is May 5.

The event is May 30-June 1 on the Washington State University Pullman campus. It combines science, behavioral and business topics: Teenagers research renewable energy then develop plans to put their ideas into practice.

More than $100,000 in cash prizes will be given out, thanks to contest sponsors.

Last year, nearly 150 judges and 500 students participated. Past judges have included industry leaders, policy makers and faculty members.

“I would encourage anyone considering judging the event to go for it,” said Brook Beeler of the Washington State Department of Ecology, who judged four previous contests. “The winning projects and innovation from student teams are inspiring, but there is more to it: Students are proud of their work and they put themselves and their ideas out there for review. That is brave.”

Each judge evaluates presentations on a single attribute – design, technology, behavior or biofuels – and assigns points based on five criteria: Objective, creativity, inquiry, thoroughness and presentation.

Judges will socialize with students and one another, starting with golf at the Palouse Ridge Golf Course and including a gathering at Banyan’s on the Ridge and ice cream at Ferdinand’s.

For more information on the event, organized by WSU Conference Management, please go to the Imagine Tomorrow judging site at or send an email to See a video on You Tube of last year’s event at


Richard H. Miller, WSU Global Campus Communications Coordinator, 509-335-5711,