The Department of Chemistry is hosting Judy Giordan for a seminar on “The Convergence of University Research, Technology Commercialization & Career Development: A New 21st Century Contact Sport.”
The seminar is 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 9, in Fulmer 201.
We all know that commercializing technology is NOT the same as it used to be…and neither are the players nor the rules. Always a contact sport – played primarily by those trained in the art and well equipped by the biggest and “best” companies – technology commercialization based on STEM university research is an ever-growing player in the game – for the university, for the students, faculty and post docs and for the economic development and jobs it has the possibility to create. In this shifting landscape, where EVERYONE can play, what can we learn from the commercial sector as ways to prepare 21st century career resilient scientists and engineers and to be sure we give students the skills to play well and very successfully?