National prize honors report on Yakima water projects

yoderPULLMAN, Wash. – A report outlining the benefits and costs of proposed water management efforts in Washington’s Yakima Basin has won a national prize from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

The Bruce Gardner Memorial Prize for Applied Policy Analysis went to a research team led by Jonathan Yoder (, professor in the Washington State University School of Economic Sciences and director of the State of Washington Water Research Center.

The prize was awarded for the team’s report, “Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Projects” (, and related outreach efforts.

The annual award (–awards/bruce-gardner-memorial-prize-for-applied-policy-analysis) recognizes outstanding impact on agricultural and related policy based on sound foundations in economic theory. The prize focuses attention on research, education and public service that facilitate policy and improve public performance and understanding.

Other WSU research team members include Jennifer Adam and Keyvan Malek, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Michael Brady and Qingqing Yang, School of Economic Sciences; and Stephen Katz, School of the Environment. Those outside WSU include Joseph Cook and Shane Johnston, University of Washington; and Daniel Brent, Louisiana State University.