March 31: Bonus points deadline for starting SmartHealth

SmartHealth-LogoPULLMAN, Wash. – Employees can save $125 on health insurance costs in 2017 by earning 2,000 points in the 2016 SmartHealth voluntary wellness incentive program by Sept. 30. Taking the initial well-being assessment counts for 800 points, and 100 bonus points will be added for those completing the assessment by March 31.

Over 31,000 of the 130,000 state Public Employee Benefit Board (PEBB) members, or around 24 percent, earned the $125 incentive by participating in SmartHealth activities last year. In 2014, WSU alone had over 82 percent of eligible employees earn the incentive.

After the assessment is completed, SmartHealth will make personalized recommendations and suggest activities to improve well-being. The more activities completed, the more points earned.

Examples of activities include:

Three Meals a Day: Eat at regular times throughout the day to help you improve your metabolism. (75 points weekly)

Night Time is Device-Free Time: “Unplug” at least one hour before bed three times a week to give your brain a chance to unwind. (75 points weekly)

To get started with SmartHealth:

* Go to, click on the Smart Health logo and select Get Started.
* Take the SmartHealth well-being assessment.
* Join activities that interest you to start earning points.

Contact WSU Human Resource Services with questions at 509-335-4521 or