PULLMAN, Wash. – As of Feb. 1, on-campus events hosted by registered student organizations (RSOs) must have requests submitted in CougSync (http://CougSync.wsu.edu) at least two weeks before the event. Otherwise, events will not be approved.
This is not a new requirement; however, the policy will be strictly enforced as of Feb. 1 for the safety and planning purposes of students, staff and faculty at Washington State University.
“With over 1,000 student-led events each year, more than 5-10 departments campuswide are part of the review process for each event,” said Berto Cerrillo, assistant director of student involvement. “It’s important that all stakeholders are aware of how much time it takes to review a single event.”
Learn more about RSO event registration at http://studentinvolvement.wsu.edu/student-organization-center/register-my-event/. For more information, contact Molly Gagnon at 509-335-1359 or molly.gagnon@wsu.edu.