PULLMAN, Wash. – Effective responses to extreme wildfire seasons caused by climate change will be explored by Peter Goldmark, the state commissioner of public lands, in a free talk at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, in the CUB junior ballroom at Washington State University. A reception will be at 1:30 p.m.
In “Washington’s Brutal Wildfires: A Call to Action,” Goldmark will describe the environmental, social and economic impact on the state and consider whether our communities and lands are resilient and ready for what may be coming.
He was elected commissioner in 2008 and re-elected in 2012. Raised on his family’s ranch near Okanogan, Wash., he earned a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of California, Berkeley and returned to ranch in Washington in 1972. He maintains a small scientific research facility and wheat breeding program at his ranch.
Among many areas of service, he has been a WSU regent and member of the board of the WSU-UW Ruckelshaus Center for policy consensus. Learn more about him at http://ruckelshauscenter.wsu.edu/advisory-board-members/peter-goldmark/.
His presentation is hosted by the WSU provosts’ office.