All employees welcome at chairs/directors workshops

PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University’s annual leadership training series for faculty and staff kicks off on Sept. 10 with a workshop entitled “University Overview: Faculty Recruitment, Mentoring and Retention.”

Although it’s titled, “Department Chair and Directors Training Workshops,” the series is open to any employee with an interest in the topics covered, said Fran McSweeney, vice provost for faculty affairs.

“One goal of the workshops is to train new department chairs and school directors,” she said. “Another goal is to help experienced chairs deal with issues that may be unfamiliar to them.

“Nevertheless,” she said, “the workshops should be of interest to any employee who wants to know how the university works, to those who aspire to a future administrative position, and to those who expect to fill a leadership position of any type (e.g., laboratory director, officer in the Faculty Senate).”

Workshops will be available across the state via WSU Videoconferencing Services. To obtain a schedule, sign up or get handouts for a workshop, please go to

If you have questions, please contact McSweeney, or David Schmidt,