PULLMAN – Dining Services at WSU won the honor of being named the 2009 Most Innovative Nutrition Program, according to the National Association of College and University Food Services.
The award honors programs implemented within the past year.
The nutrition program at WSU is a combination of innovative programs that centralize around the theme of “eat well, stay active, live fit.” Using this theme as a stepping stone for all programs, Dining Services continues to put in motion programs that will be beneficial and aid students, faculty and staff in adopting healthy lifestyles.
The employees at Dining Services entered the contest last spring to showcase the nutrition program at WSU, which has grown immensely over the past two years.
Dining Services offers many programs to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Students, faculty and staff can enjoy a meal with the Dining Services registered dietitian, look up nutrition information on the Dining Service’s innovative nutritional website, myNutrition, or maybe even participated in the 2009 “Find Your Balance Challenge.”