Organic farm to host public field day

PULLMAN — The public is invited to learn more about organic farming at the WSU Organic Farm Field Day to be held
Thursday , July 24, at the Tukey Horticultural Orchard at the corner of Airport and Terre View roads.

Registration begins at 9 a.m. The event runs from 9:30 a.m. to noon.

Topics will include community supported agriculture, extension, research, teaching and potential partnerships. Students will discuss their summer projects, including a field trial using biodynamic applications in raspberries and the management of the farm’s worm bin.

WSU researcher and BioAg coordinator, Lynne Carpenter Boggs, will discuss the benefits of both biodynamic systems and worms on the farm.

The Organic Farm is committed to education, research, and extension. As a teaching farm the primary goal is to pass on the skills necessary to grow organic fruits and vegetables in an intensive small-scale environment. The farm is available to the WSU scientific community to conduct organic research projects. In addition, the farm strives to provide fresh produce to local food banks and non-profits.