WSU Tri-Cities students meet Rev. Jesse Jackson

RICHLAND – Rev. Jesse Jackson is scheduled to meet at noon Thursday, March 27, with student leaders from WSU Tri-Cities and Columbia Basin College.
The conversation with about 50 students is on the WSU Tri-Cities campus in Room 120 of the Consolidated Information Center, 2770 University Drive, Richland.

The by-invitation session is sponsored by four WSU Tri-Cities student organizations: the Multicultural Club, the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities, the Hear Here Club and the Psychology Club.
Jackson is president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, a social justice organization, and is known worldwide as a civil rights leader and a former Democratic presidential candidate.
To get to the Consolidated Information Center from George Washington Way, pass the main campus entrance, go up the hill, turn right on First Street, then turn left into the first parking lot.