Cougar Pride Days 2007 build trails, camaraderie

VANCOUVER – Cougar Pride Days at WSU Vancouver is a time when students, faculty, staff, alumni and campus neighbors get together to demonstrate their pride in the landmark campus.

All in the community are invited to join in the work and play, improving the grounds.

“Come pitch in and show your Cougar Pride,” said Bill Kelley, WSU Vancouver facilities and operations director.

March 29
– 11:30 a.m. Pizza feed and dodge ball tournament in the sports court, near the cougar statue.
– 11:45 a.m. Campus parade featuring WSU Vancouver faculty, staff, administrators and children from the campus child development program.
– 1 – 4 p.m. Campus beautification projects.

March 30
– 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Continuing and new projects.
– 12 p.m. 3rd Annual Cougar Pride BBQ

For more information, visit
Register there for projects such as abelia planting, boardwalk construction, bulb planting, trail maintenance and more.