CFD participation lowest in 10 years

Participation in WSU’s 2006 Combined Fund Drive could end up being the lowest in 10 years, given current response levels. As of Tuesday, Nov. 28, WSU had 702 participants who have pledged $160,438 to CFD.

The greatest concern is not the decline in dollar giving, but the steady decline in participation levels, which peaked in 1997 when 17.6 percent of WSU employees made pledges.

By comparison, the University of Washington with 3.5 times more employees, has more than 6 times the participation level as WSU. The UW has 4,351 employees pledging $1,511,736, which is 9.5 times the giving total at WSU.

Anyone interested in making a pledge before the end of the year can contact their local CFD representative, or visit

Donations are tax deductible and can be designated specifically to local, regional or national charities.