Mission to NY interest letter due

Faculty who would like to participate in a Mission to New York City in March are invited to submit a letter of interest by Tuesday, Oct. 10, by e-mail to Karin Neuenschwander, karinn@wsu.edu, at the WSU Foundation.

Mission to NY is a faculty development and enrichment initiative. Participants meet with program officers at private funding organizations tailored to their personal research and creative interests. Faculty at all stages of the tenure process are encouraged to apply.

The two-page letter of interest should include brief statements describing:

• One or two areas of fundable research/creative activity that will be your focus.

• Connections between these areas and the foundations of interest to you.

• How a visit and your resulting proposal submissions will advance your scholarship and career goals.

• Any collaborations across WSU — proposed or in progress — that will benefit from this trip.
Include a signed statement from your chair/director endorsing your application.