Simple access promoted to complex information

A new promotion at WSU Libraries allows students, staff and faculty to access a library of information in the space of a dorm room or office, all with the use of a computer.

The “Library in Your Room,” a program originated as a partnership between WSU Libraries and Residence Life, promotes the use of electronic resources, such as e-journals and article indexes, to those unfamiliar with the process.

Many students are turning to search engines such as Google to find sources for their research because they cannot easily access online resources.

“You could go to the 500-millionth page of Google and you still won’t find good peer-reviewed articles,” said Instruction Librarian Lara A. Cummings. “The WSU Libraries website gives access to more scholarly databases and resources.”

However, while e-journals and article indexes are already featured on the libraries’ site, those new to the WSU library system may have trouble learning how to navigate through these electronic resources, Cummings said. To help familiarize students, faculty and staff to the process, Cummings has created the new “Library in Your Room” website with links to electronic resources, tours and tutorials, as well as links to help get questions answered. The website was launched in October.

“It’s like the ‘I’m new here’ page,” Cummings said. “It’s less intimidating.”

While the promotion is targeted mainly toward students, Cummings said faculty and staff should be aware of it as well. She encourages faculty and staff to tell students in their classes to use the site, in addition to using the site themselves.

Many library website users are unaware that subscriptions to electronic resources are pricey, Cummings said. In fact, in 2004-2005, WSU spent $901,061 on subscriptions to article indexes and databases, and $2,412,413 on electronic journals, for a grand total of $3,313,474. A portion of students’ tuition is used to help pay for these subscriptions, and students should take advantage of the resources they help fund, Cummings said.

To access the “Library in Your Room” site, go to