Larry K. Hiller, associate professor in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, was elected president of the Potato Association of America, a professional society of more than 1,000 scientific and industry members worldwide who are interested in all aspects of the potato.

Carol Ramsay, extension associate/assistant professor, recently was named a fellow by the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators. This recognition of highest honor is bestowed upon members who have superior achievement in research, education, public service, personal achievement, recognition and service. AAPSE has selected only two individuals for this honor. Ramsay is a founding member of AAPSE.

Susan Kerr, extension Klickitat County director, has successfully completed the requirement for professional animal scientist certification within the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists with specialization in sheep and goats. The ARPAS registry has standards to enhance professional credibility and increase public confidence by providing certification of animal scientists through examination, continuing education and commitment to a code of ethics.

J. Richard Alldredge, professor of statistics, has been awarded the honorary rank of fellow of the American Statistical Association. The honor recognizes full members of established reputation who have made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work. Alldredge was honored for contributions in wildlife and fisheries statistics, particularly in methods for design and analysis of habitat selection studies; for development of outstanding statistical consulting services; and for service to the profession.

Marina Tolmacheva, professor of history and associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts, has been awarded an International Scholar Fellowship by the Open Society Institute’s Academic Fellowship Program for 2005-06. The nonresident appointment is part of the Higher Education Support Program sponsored by OSI with the support of the Soros Foundation. The fellowship will involve Tolmacheva in teaching and curriculum development at the History Department of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine.

Carol Ivory, professor and chair, Department of Fine Arts, was re-elected to a second two-year term as president of Pacific Arts Association, an international professional association with chapters in the Pacific, North America and Europe.

Annabel R. Kirschner, professor and extension sociologist, recently received the 2005 Excellence in Extension and Public Outreach Award from the Rural Sociological Society. Kirschner, who also is serving as interim chair of the Department of Apparel, Merchandising, Design and Textiles, was recognized for establishing and nurturing a widely respected extension program in applied demography at WSU. The program focuses on state and local population trends in the Pacific Northwest, including trends in single parent families, retirement migration, increasing racial and ethnic diversity, and the restructuring of natural resource based areas, with attention to implications for rural economic development.