Library employees to be included in pay raise

Library workers recently voted to decertify their union. These employees now will be covered under the new civil service rules and will receive the same general pay raise, effective today, Sept. 1, that is going to the other non-represented employees at WSU.

Glenn Frye, assistant director of Human Resource Services, said today that WSU administration has determined these library employees will be eligible for the 3.2 percent raise.

The union, the Washington Federation of State Employees, had until Wednesday, Aug. 31, to appeal the library decertification vote, but did not do so. The vote took place by mail during two weeks in August. The ballots were counted on Aug. 24 at the Public Employment Relations Commission office in Olympia, and the results became official on Aug. 31.

Of about 41 workers, 14 voted to retain WFSE as their union representative and 25 voted against. The employees were in WFSE bargaining unit 5.