Tom Matthews to speak at faculty workshop Nov. 18

A workshop for faculty on learning outcomes, assessment and accreditation will be held 3-5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, in Smith CUE 305A. Sponsored by the WSU Critical Thinking Project, the workshop will feature Tom Matthews, assistant vice provost for educational assessment, addressing issues and answering questions vital to faculty as WSU works toward its 10-year accreditation renewal in 2009.

The workshop will consider how faculty can help define and support their programs’ outcomes, and how that can be done with what departments already have in place.

“Faculty do not have to throw out everything they do and start over,” Matthews said. “Neither the process nor the workshop should be seen as threatening; rather, they are opportunities to work together toward improvement and accreditation.”

A panel of faculty also will discuss their departments’ efforts in setting outcomes, assessment and accreditation.