Grant coordinator a valuable ally

Research and academic projects in search of funding have a new advocate and aid in Jessika Satori, who began work this semester as Washington State University’s faculty support coordinator in the Office of Grant and Research Development (OGRD).

“I consider myself part venture catalyst, part detective and mostly a concierge,” said Satori.

While the WSU position isn’t new, it is taking on a strong outreach focus, she said. With the university’s renewed emphasis on research, OGRD wants the WSU community to know that Satori’s skills are available to help find and apply for grant money.

“One of OGRD’s core responsibilities is information dissemination and outreach in order to help WSU faculty find funding for their research and scholarly activities,” said Dan Nordquist, director of OGRD. “We are very fortunate to have an individual like Satori to assist us with this important task.”

She recently assisted in acquiring a grant from Nike to put artificial turf made of recycled shoes in the WSU Children’s Center, said Judi Dunn, WSU’s recycling education coordinator.

“Jessika was wonderful in helping me make sure I dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s, which is so important in applying for a grant,” Dunn said. “She got me in touch with the right people, and her encouragement was fantastic. I feel I’ve made a friend and not just a professional colleague.”

Satori’s multifaceted background includes time as faculty in business and marketing management, working for Microsoft, teaching in Russia and South Korea, and more than 10 years experience in small business. She holds an Ed.D. in educational leadership with an emphasis in business and public administration from Seattle University.

While she finds fellowships for faculty in her new position, Satori has been on the receiving end as well: She has been awarded the Boeing Faculty Fellowship, the Alden B. Dow Fellowship and the Washington State Governor’s Executive Fellowship.

WSU faculty and staff looking for help with project funding can contact her at 335-9661 or