Writing Across the Curriculum

WSU’s Campus Writing Programs will present a two-day Writing Across the Curriculum workshop on Monday and Tuesday, May 12 and 13. The workshop is open to all WSU teachers — graduate students, instructors and faculty — who want or need to use writing in their courses. Faculty who teach “Writing in the Major” courses are particularly encouraged to participate.

John Bean, a professor from Seattle University who has been a leader in the writing-across-the-curriculum movement for many years, will be a featured workshop leader. Bean is the author of “Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Writing, Critical Thinking and Active Learning in the Classroom” (Jossey-Bass, 1996). He will lead a Tuesday morning workshop titled “Writing Assignments as Ill-Structured Problems Promoting Students’ Growth as Learners and Critical Thinkers.”

The workshop also will address:
• designing more effective writing assignments
• responding more productively to student writing
• helping nonnative speakers of English
• preventing plagiarism
• locating and using resources available on campus, including the M Course Program, the Junior Portfolio, the Writing Center, Gen. Ed. 302 tutorial support and library resources.

Space is limited, so interested teachers should RSVP to Jerry Brown at brownjl@wsu.edu or 335-4072.