‘Enhancing grantsmanship writing’ slated for Oct. 10-11

The Office of Grant and Research Development will host two days of grant-writing workshops presented by Dr. Robert Lowman, associate vice chancellor for research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. “Enhancing Grantsmanship Writing” will be presented 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, at the conference rooms of the Quality Inn – Paradise Creek (1050 SE Bishop Boulevard, Pullman, WA 99163) and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11, at WSU Tri-Cities, 120 Consolidated Information Center (CIC), Room 120. Each day will begin with the “12 Keys to Successful Grant Writing.” The Pullman afternoon workshop will focus on “Building Industry Partnerships.” The Tri-Cities afternoon workshop will feature “A Guide to Foundation Grant Funding.”

These workshops are open to the public and are excellent for both the beginning grant writer and those with some experience. The workshop starts from the premise that nothing succeeds like a good idea, but that is not enough. The key ingredients of success range from assembling a winning team to achieving a strong match between the idea and a potential sponsor. In addition to building relationships with potential sponsors, participants will also learn how to present their ideas with the greatest impact.

Those interested must plan to attend both morning and afternoon workshops for the date and location of their choice. To register, go to www.ogrd.wsu.edu, click on Fall 2002 Workshops link, then “Enhancing Grantsmanship Writing.” The cost is $65 per person. WSU employees may render payment via IRI and non-WSU employees through check payable to Washington State University. Both forms of payment may be sent to Sean Lyons at the Office of Grant and Research Development, Washington State University, P.O. Box 643140, Pullman, WA 99164-3140. Pullman campus registrants may send payment to Campus Zip: 3140. Seating is limited; register early. For further information, contact Sean Lyons at 335-9661 or slyons@wsu.edu.