WSU Hallelujah Chorus to Benefit Local Red Cross

PULLMAN, Wash. — The proceeds of a Dec. 2 benefit sing-along concert of George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” at Washington State University will go toward local chapters of the American Red Cross.

The 3 p.m. concert at WSU’s Bryan Hall Theatre will feature a chorus of 110 choir members from WSU and the University of Idaho. The choir will be accompanied by the Palouse Orchestra, under the direction of WSU faculty member Charles Neufeld and UI faculty member Mark Fisch.

The highlight of the event will be the signing of the “Hallelujah” chorus, Neufeld said. “It’s the crowning chorus of the ‘Messiah.’”

The WSU soloist for the production is Sheila Converse, mezzo-soprano. UI soloists include Cameron Littlefield, bass; Pamela Bathurst, soprano; Claudia Krone, soprano; and Fisch, tenor.

The audience will be invited to join the choir on the choruses. Audience members may purchase sheet music at the concert or bring their own scores. Proceeds from music sales and donations at the door will benefit the American Red Cross.

“We hope that singers from around the region will join us this year to help our local fire and emergency workers through the Red Cross,” said Fisch. “Last year we raised enough money to put a roof on a house with Habitat for Humanity.”

This is the second year WSU and UI choirs have united to raise money for charity. Nearly 350 people attended last year’s concert, which raised about $1,000.

For more information, contact Neufeld at 509/335-3971.