Applications Available for WSU Spots on Pullman Human Rights Commission

PULLMAN, Wash. — Applicants are being sought for two vacant positions to represent Washington State University on the Pullman Human Rights Commission.

WSU representatives may be faculty, staff or students. Individuals interested in serving are asked to write to the Office of the President, attention: Pullman Human Rights Commission. Personal information should include name, address, phone number, e-mail address and current position at WSU. Applicants should also express in 500 words or less the reasons for their interest in the position and relevant background.

Deadline for applications is Nov. 29.

The commission was established three years ago by WSU, the City of Pullman, the Pullman School District and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce. For a packet of information about the PHRC, please call staff at Community Relations and University Events, 335-1990.

Each participating agency appoints three members to the commission. Terms of appointment are staggered to allow for orderly rotation. The replacement term of one of WSU’s positions ends May 31, 2004, and the other ends May 31, 2002.