WSU, UW Presidents Hold Joint Press Conference

SEATTLE, Wash. — On the eve of the 2001 Apple Cup game to decide this year’s Pac-10 championship and post-season bowl berths, the presidents of Washington State University and University of Washington will appear at a joint news conference on Thursday, Nov. 15, on the University of Washington campus.

WSU President V. Lane Rawlins and UW President Richard McCormick will talk about the annual Cougar-Husky gridiron match-up. Although both university presidents predict victory for their respective teams, Rawlins and McCormick stand united in their support for higher education in the state of Washington.

The joint news conference is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 15, at 301 Gerberding Hall on the University of Washington campus. For more information, please contact Collin Tong, director of westside communications and media relations, Washington State University, at 206/448-1333, or Robert Roseth, director, news and information, University of Washington, at 206/543-2580.