Student Affairs, Business Affairs Develop Plan to Enhance Campus Environment

PULLMAN, Wash. — Several Washington State University Student Affairs and Business Affairs units have united under one administrative structure while others will report to a newly formed unit — all to improve their overall efficiency.

Housing and Residence Life, Dining Services, the Compton Union Building, Health and Wellness Services, Student Programs, Child Care Center and the Golf Course now are under one structure — Campus Life. “The decision opens the door to enormous opportunities for collaborative programs and services for students,” said Charlene Jaeger, vice president for student affairs. The goal is to create a unified Campus Life unit in the CUB to offer students the ability to take care of their campus living needs at one location.

A new unit, the Department of Administrative Services, will be made up of pooled personnel resources from units across campus. The department will provide support for all self-sustaining and permanently budgeted units within Student Affairs. Support also will be available for several self-sustaining operations within Business Affairs.

The Department of Administrative Services will provide budget and planning, financial management and information technology support for the Child Care Center, CUB, Dining Services, Health and Wellness Services, and Residence Life, Student Programs, the Leadership Center, University Recreation, Central Receiving/Student Mailing Services, Materials and Resource Services, Parking and Transportation Services, the Visitor Center and the Golf Course.

Greg Royer, vice president for business affairs, said the reorganization will improve campus-wide customer service. “Business Affairs and Student Affairs will be working together, using expertise from both areas.”

“I’m tremendously grateful to Greg Royer for working so collaboratively with me to maximize our people resources between Business Affairs and Student Affairs,” Jaeger said.

Glenn Ford’s position will now be shared by both divisions. Ford will report to Jaeger half time as associate vice president for student affairs administration. “His expertise in administrative policy issues, budget and financial planning will benefit all of our departments,” Jaeger said. “He will report to Royer in his role of associate vice president for business and finance.”

Jerry Marczynski will report to the Student Affairs vice president full time as assistant vice president for campus life. “Most of Jerry’s career has been spent in Student Affairs, and he will be a great addition to our team as we move forward to continue to strengthen and improve the out-of-class living/learning environment for our students,” she said.

“The restructuring will eliminate some duplicative efforts between the divisions that should result in cost efficiencies for our students,” Jaeger said. The positions formerly held by George Bettas (vice provost/dean of students) and Tim McCarty (CUB director) will not need to be filled as a result of the reorganization.