Political Implications of Sept. 11 Considered at Nov. 6 Foley Lecture

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University political science associate professor Cornell Clayton will discuss whether the events of Sept. 11 will significantly alter American constitutional governance from 7-9 p.m. Nov. 6 in WSU’s Lighty Student Services Building, Room 405.

Clayton’s lecture, “Is Sept. 11 a Constitutional Turning Point,” considers the domestic political implications of the war on terrorism. Major crises in the past, such as wars or economic depressions, have led to permanently altered political structures such as federalism, separation of powers, the electoral-party system, and civil rights and liberties, Clayton says. This might be another turning point.

Among other issues, Clayton will outline the implications of recent legislation expanding governmental power and how a new bipartisan foreign policy might influence political party fortunes and electoral politics.

Clayton received a doctorate from Oxford University in 1990. Since then, he has taught at a number of institutions, including Oxford, the University of Utah, Weber State University, University of Alaska and WSU. His research interests include American political institutions, law and courts, and comparative politics.

The lecture is part of the Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service Tuesday lecture series. The institute’s next public lecture will be “Community Policing, Cooperative Compliance and Saving Endangered Species” from 1:15-3:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in WSU’s Compton Union Building, Room 212.

For more information, contact the institute’s Holly Tate at 509/335-3477.