Pullman High School Seeks WSU French Ad/Lighty Department and Employee Participation in Feb. 2 National Groundhog Job Shadow Day

PULLMAN, Wash. — Planning is underway for Pullman High School’s participation in the 2001 National Groundhog Job Shadow Day, which will include Washington State University.

According to Shelly Field, PHS School to Career coordinator, the Feb. 2 event will involve high school students spending a half day “shadowing” employees working in Pullman, including those at WSU in the French Administration and Lighty Student Services buildings.

Using a “Common Threads” theme, in addition to WSU, the Pullman effort currently includes students shadowing in downtown Pullman businesses and at Pullman Memorial Hospital, Field said. Other business may be added.

Tentative format for the event involves students shadowing at WSU starting the day in the morning at one campus location, receiving their assignments based on their interests, and going to their shadowing sites.

In shadow groups of five students or less, students would visit several different French Ad and Lighty departments. Employees in each office would discuss or show the students some “common threads” of work including the importance of job descriptions, customer service, teamwork, using resources and being resourceful, writing, networking, computation, communication, punctuality/interpersonal skills, attention to detail, using technology, following a ‘system’ in the office and organizational methods.

At noon, the students will return to one location for lunch and to reflect on the experience with a facilitator or guest speaker, she said.

WSU Career Services is supporting the on-campus shadowing. Ronda McLean of Career Services is coordinating the job shadowing in French Ad and Lighty. Representatives of WSU departments that would like to take part in the day may contact McLean at 335-4005 or rsm@wsu.edu . Field may be reached at Pullman High School at 509/332-1551 or sfield@psd267.wednet.edu .