K-12 Student Art and Essay Contest Celebrates Life and Teachings of Martin Luther King Jr.

PULLMAN, Wash. — Celebrating the life and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. is the goal of an art and essay contest sponsored by the YWCA of Washington State University.

The fourth annual contest for Pullman school kindergarten to 12th grade students is designed to honor “one of the world’s greatest activists for non-violent social change,” said Alice Coil of the YWCA.

Contestants are asked to “explore their ideals on social issues such as peace and justice, conflict resolution, the civil rights movement, and racial equality,” she said.

Deadline for the contest is Jan. 11. It is part of the university’s celebration of King’s life. The celebration includes a Jan. 17 campus and community Unity March and an evening program in the Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum featuring keynote speaker Benjamin Hooks, a personal friend of King and former NAACP executive director.

Among contest awards are a $50 Bookie gift certificate and $25 gift certificates for each grade level. In addition, winners will be recognized during a Jan. 26 award banquet.

Contest materials are available in Pullman School District buildings, at the Web site www.wsu.edu/~wrc/mlk.htm, or by calling the YWCA at WSU at 509/335-3916.