WSU Greeks Clean Up College Hill

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University Greek students are pitching in to help keep College Hill clean this fall.

Twenty-eight fraternities and sororities have committed to clean up College Hill, the neighborhood surrounding the WSU campus, as part of an Adopt-A-Block Program.

The Greek chapters are divided into nine groups, each responsible for cleaning their own block at least six times this semester. Chapter leaders are encouraging live-out students, Greeks who rent area apartments or houses, to keep their property clean as well.

The College Hill Association, a group of neighbors, worked with the Interfraternity and the Panhellenic councils to establish the program. Greeks will pick up trash and sweep up broken glass and other debris from sidewalks, said Anita Cory, director of Greek Life at WSU.

“It’s important for the Greek community to participate so they can be helpful in their neighborhood and be good neighbors. They want to keep the area, which is so beautiful, even more beautiful,” Cory said.

For more information, contact the IC’s Erick Armes, 509/335-5929.