New WSU Program Gets Freshmen Involved in Campus

PULLMAN, Wash. — Student leaders at Washington State University are implementing a program designed to get more freshmen involved in campus activities.

Developed by students, Freshmen Active in Campus Events and Services (FACES) will encourage freshmen and other new students to get out of their dorm rooms and join an organization, club or committee on campus, said Kristin Eby, FACES director.

The program will give freshmen a better sense of community and help retention rates, since students involved in activities are more likely to stay enrolled, she said.

While other institutions have student involvement programs, this one is different because it is paid for and run by students, Eby said. ASWSU funds the project.

“It’s a great way to have an instant leadership opportunity because freshmen will hold the leadership positions,” she said.

Freshmen will meet once a month for dinner and discussions about how they can be involved on campus, among other topics. To retain their membership, the students must get involved in one other activity besides FACES. Members will receive a club card for discounts at local businesses and the Compton Union Building, Eby said.

The first FACES meeting is 5-7 p.m. Nov. 1 in CUB 212.

For more information, contact Eby at 509/335-9676.