WSU, Pullman Community to Gather at Vigil Wednesday, Sept. 12

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Pullman and WSU communities will gather together 5:30 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 12) at Reaney Park for a vigil for Tuesday’s tragedy on the East Coast.

The WSU community will meet on Glenn Terrell Friendship Mall at 5 p.m. Leaders of the university’s international and diversity-related student groups, and WSU President V. Lane Rawlins, Associate Students of WSU President Jesse Keene and Graduate and Professional Students President Victoria Hansel will lead a walk to the park.

There, they will join members of the Pullman community, including Pullman Mayor Mitch Chandler and the community’s interfaith leaders for the program.

The Bryan Hall carillon on the WSU campus will chime at 5:30 p.m. Rawlins and Chandler will speak. A moment of silence will be led by the interfaith leaders. The silence will end with the ringing of bells at the park.

WSU counselors also will be available at the park for those who need assistance or resources.
