Grant to Provide Health Expertise to Spokane’s Addicted, Homeless Women

SPOKANE, Wash. — Merry Armstrong, professor at the Intercollegiate College of Nursing/Washington State University College of Nursing, has received the $99,800 Helene Fuld Health Trust Grant to provide health expertise to addicted, homeless women and support College of Nursing educational offerings at the Downtown Women’s Shelter and the Outreach Center.

The funding will provide opportunities for students to be involved in research and clinical practice through an addiction course offering. It also will support College of Nursing faculty consultation and supervision at the People’s Clinic, a college project located at the YWCA in downtown Spokane. The clinic provides health care for low-income residents and health promotion and illness prevention services at the DWS and allied health organizations.

“Intervention with women while they are visiting the shelter, living in transitional housing or accessing other outreach services is an ideal strategy to begin a partnership for health,” Armstrong said.

The grant provides new opportunities to reach an underserved population with quality health care services. “The grant will address two needs, one at the College of Nursing for a course pertaining to addiction education and another for clinical experience treating addicted, homeless women,” Armstrong said.

Established in 1968, the Intercollegiate College of Nursing/WSU College of Nursing is the nation’s first, oldest and most comprehensive nursing education consortium. The College of Nursing offers baccalaureate, graduate and professional development course work to nursing students enrolled through its four consortium partners, WSU, Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University and Whitworth College. Each year, the college educates more than 550 graduate and upper-division undergraduate students and prepares more entry-level nurses than any other state educational institution.
