WSU Regents Set June 29 Meeting

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University’s Board of Regents will meet Friday, June 29, at The Coeur d’Alene’s Conference Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The meeting, set to start at 9:30 a.m., is planned for the center’s Bay 3.

Among the agenda items, regents will be asked to authorize establishment of a $1 million Student Investment Fund. Support will come from a transfer of locally-held contributed funds cash balances to an Endowment Fund account. WSU students in two upper division finance classes will manage the portfolio. Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer said neither the students nor the professor will directly engage in security trading. Following programs at other universities, WSU students will make recommendations to the university’s senior investment manager. The manager then can choose to execute or veto the recommended trade. Students will provide end-of-semester reports to the controller and the Regents/Foundation Investment Committee.

“This program will provide our students with hands-on experience in security analysis and portfolio management to better prepare them for careers in investments,” Royer said.

Board members, too, will be asked to approve a name change from the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics to the Department of Mathematics, extend the Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration, real estate to WSU Spokane and change the Program in Health Policy Administration to a department.

The board also will meet for planning discussions Friday afternoon and Saturday morning at the conference center.
