Hennessy Named Faculty of the Year by Disability Awareness Association

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University student group Disability Awareness Association recently presented its fifth annual Faculty of the Year Award to Judith Hennessy, a teaching assistant for the Department of Sociology.

The award recognizes the faculty member who worked most successfully and creatively to accommodate students with disabilities. Students nominated faculty and then voted for the best candidate at the DAA meeting, said association president Jody Conrad.

Hennessy received a plaque commemorating her recognition. She said she is honored and pleased to receive the award.

“This award not only recognizes my contribution to the academic environment for the students in my classroom, but also recognizes the students themselves and their efforts to be successful,” she said. “The recognition by the Disability Awareness Association reminds me and the other nominees that we can make a difference in the lives of our students.”

Award nominees, including Paul Smith, general education, Matthew Guterl, comparative American cultures, and Margaret Reed, management and decision sciences, received certificates of appreciation.
